
Leaf is compatible with virtually any icon library: Font Awesome, Material Icons, etc.

The .icon element is a container for any type of icon font. Icons normally take a second or two to load and you might want control over the space the icons will take, for this you can use the icon class as a reliable square container that will prevent jumps when the page loads.

<span class="icon">
    <i class="fas fa-cat"></i>


The green background is for demonstration purposes only.


The icon container comes in 4 sizes. It should always be a bit bigger than the icon it contains. For example, Font Awesome 5 icons use a font-size of 1em by default (since it inherits the font size), but provides additional sizes.

Container class Container size Font Awesome class Icon size Result
icon is-small 1rem x 1rem fas 1em
icon 1.5rem x 1.5rem fas 1em
icon 1.5rem x 1.5rem fas fa-lg 1.3333em
icon is-medium 2rem x 2rem fas 1em
icon is-medium 2rem x 2rem fas fa-lg 1.3333em
icon is-medium 2rem x 2rem fas fa-2x 2em
icon is-large 3rem x 3rem fas 1em
icon is-large 3rem x 3rem fas fa-lg 1.3333em
icon is-large 3rem x 3rem fas fa-2x 2em
icon is-large 3rem x 3rem fas fa-3x 3em


Name Type Value
$icon-dimensions Size 1.5rem
$icon-dimensions-small Size 1rem
$icon-dimensions-medium Size 2rem
$icon-dimensions-large Size 3rem